Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Manner Training (Japan style)

Manner Training (for Self-use)

1. Smile and Active Vocals (practice)
・ Smile
  ・ Vocal Practice(proper openning of the mouth)
  ・ Greetings and use of words(how to bow)
2.Foundations for being a member of the society
   ・ What the company is about
   ・ Job description (discussion) *work policy
   ・ Work routine
   ・ Personal appearance
3.About etiquettes
   ・ Basic attitude (take to consideration)
   ・ Points on proper speaking (practice)
   ・ Paying attention
4.How to correspond with costumers
   ・ Recieving customers (how to serve, exchange of business cards, preparing tea)
   ・ Visits to other companies

What is Etiquette-Manner
 ☆ Basic personalities 『Self-centered』 『Sympathetic』
 ☆ Origin

※ At the time of Louis the XIV in Versailles, commoners and sorts needed permission to enter the palace. It was in a form of a certain permit called 'etiquette'.

※ Then, there was the Rose Garden of Versailles, which was widely adored by the people. Until one day, an inconsiderate person trampled upon the roses. A young man put up a note that said, 'Please don't trample on the garden of my heart'. The putting up of this sign was called, “etiquette”.
  ⇒ Do not enter someone's house with your shoes on, at least knock beforehand.
   Etiquette (French) -> Ticket (English) -> Kippu [ticket], Ken [token,ticket] (Japanese)

☆ Etiquette is a way to attempt pleasant communication with others(to avoid annoying other people)

 1. Smile and Vocal Practice (oasis of the soul)
   ・ Smile (how to raise the corners of the mouth)
   ・ Vocal Practice (Supplimentary Material 1)
   ・ Greeting guidelines (Supplimentary Material 2)
   Greetings (to be more open and close)
   The key points to the japanese bow (ojigi) is in the angle and rhythm.
         Bow  6:05
         Usual bow  6:10
         Deep bow 6:12~6:13
   ○ A bow comes after giving a proper greeting.
      →With proper eye contact and a nice smile, it is possible to make a good impression (Just like the greetings you receive when staying at a plush hotel and going to a mega department store))
 2. Foundations for being a member of the society
   ・ Elements of the business
       People-Products-Money (information and time)
   ・ The 3 basics
       1. Always on time  
       2. Good reaction and reply
       3. Learn earnestly to broaden your knowledge
   ・ The role of the company
   ・ Work routine
   ・ How to make memos
        (How much)
        (How many)
   ・ Work priority levels  
Check the deadline. If its urgent, try to understand the contents and be dependable.
   ・ Effective working
     Arrangement(throw out no longer necessary objects)Basic neatness(clean up after one's self)
   ・ Personal appearance(appearance makes the man)by Shakespere
       1. A sense of cleanliness (what do people think when they see it)
       2. According to function.
   3. Aware of TPLO(Time,Place,Location,Object) also its situation and purpose.
※ People prefer straight lines to curves 
   ・ How to pay attention to conversations
       Points on paying attention
       1. Expression and glance
       2. Attitude
       3. Asking questions
   ・ Facing Superiors and Seniors
     Hou-Ren-Sou (Houkoku= report; Renraku= contact; Soudan= seek advice)
          ・ Take memos
          ・ Be honest
          ・ Clarify when confused
          ・ Bring a notebook
   ・ Aware of issues going on.
          1. Aware of trouble
          2. What's the matter?
          3. Considerate of other people's situation (hold this firmly)
   ・ Other than acting as an individual (TEAMWORK) please give priority to the organization.
    ・ Learning by working, adds know-how (knowledge; good judgement). Which in time, could develop into one's own theory of wisdom.
 3. Recieving Guests
      └─→Bring a good vibe→be positive→expand interpersonal skills→work advances
   ・ Exchanging business cards
     While giving→do not forget to mention: Company Name, Job Post, your own name, using polite language [Hajimemashite].

      While recieving →「 'choudai itashimasu' ('receiving it is my pleasure')」「'*blank*kaisha no *blank*sama ~ ~ ne...'('Mr/Ms/Mrs. *blank* from *blank* company, correct?'」(recieve with both hands)

   ※ Always lay the card on top of your own card case (never directly on the table)

    ○ When introducing one's self→Take a step forward→Give your card→Give way(if you do not you might bump heads with the other person)→Bow
  ・ How to prepare tea
  ・ Telephone conversations
      1. Vocabulary
      2. Repeating and taking memos
      3. Power of expression (expressive voice)
   ○ How 1.Introduce one's self
       2. Greetings
       3. State the designated person and intended business (present-or not, at the time)
       4. Subject
       5. Greetings
   ※ It is basically known, to wait for the person who called to put down the telephone first.
   ○ Reciever
     1. Your image is based upon your first voice(cheerful intonation)→in order to maintain the company's image, we must act as the PR
※ Please remember that your image is based on your voice.
     2. Make sure to repeat what the other person has said, in order for them to know that you are paying attention. (right?)
     3. Make sure to ask if the other party hasn't stated it yet. For instance, 'who from where' or 'what for whom?'

 4.Other company's visit
   ・Purpose of visit
     {Prior preparations}
        1. Appointment(Date・Purpose・Time required・Place)
           ※ Make sure to confirm the day before the appointment.
        2. Make a survey trip to the intended destination
        3. Check what to bring.
 5.Ask number of intended guests :to prepare seats(Supplimentary Material 5) 

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